Saturday, July 9, 2011

So, I want to ask you: What gives you the right to judge me?? What gives you the right to tell me if I'm a good or bad person?? What gives you the right to believe I'm going to hurt you?? What gives you the right to do as God does? To judge others? You don't know me, and even if you do, I doubt that you're not pig-headed to understand why I do the thinks I do. If I have odd colored hair, what of it? Does it mean I'm a murderer? Does it means I was raised wrong? Does it mean I'm a failure? Remember back when dying your hair ANY natural color was odd and unaccepted? Now look at it. It's normal. It's almost expected!! If we see someone with pretty colored hair, we ask if they dyed it. And a decade from now, it'll be the same with blue and pink and purple and green. It may be hard to believe now, but you never know. There was a time when birth control was tabboo. Now that's the first thing a guy asks when he's about to have sex. It's what girls WANT to have. Times change people!! Instead of trying to deny the fate this world has, why not just accept it and make it an easier process?? It's like trying to stop teens from having sex. You can preach as much as you want, but there's NEVER a garentee. You can never be sure of the outcome. Some people won't dye their hair. Some people will. It's all a matter of the individual person's personality, and no matter how much you wanna say you know ur kids or your friends or your siblings, there's always something you don't know about. Something big, small, life-changing, or life-ending. There's always something you don't know, so acting like you know everything about someone is arrogant and ignorant. So don't do it. You'll only make yourself out to be an idiot, a bad parent or bad sibling. Kay? I have to watch me and my friends miss a train home by 5 seconds because of a cop who thought we were bad. We had on wigs.....WIGS!!!!! Then I watched as they took away WOODEN weapons. I can understand steel or something, but wood??? Plywood at that?! This just disappoints me, so much. That they can try and stop the shootings and muggings and all this hate crime ON the trains, but instead they act innocent and say there's "nothing more they can do to resolve the issue."

Stop being the sterotypical society and welcome yourself into the new age. Times change. Just accept it.

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