Thursday, June 2, 2011

I felt like writing some more, so here's another update to my blog. :)

I'm feeling a little depressed right now. I know it could be caused by a multitude of things at this point, but I just hate feeling like this, I'm happy, then I just feel randomly left out and It's like...I know that I'm not, but it still feels like it sometimes....I love all my friends, and I know they love me, but sometimes I want a little more. :/ Like, right now, I keep thinking about this one person and it's difficult to explain!! Lol know how you have these fancies of daydreams and you want them to come true SOOOO bad but you can't find the hope to believe it will? Like when you try to see into the future and you want it to turn out a certian way, and you want it to be that way with all your heart but you just can't find the will and hope to believe it will turn out that way....I know I'm just rambling right now...and even if there's no one reading this right now, or even ever, i want to believe there's someone out there that knows what I'm talking about and knows how I feel....and even as I sit in the back of my friend's car all depressed, he puts on our little song to dance to cheer me up....even if it's not that much....It makes me smile so big knowing that all of my friends keep me in their thoughts. Sometimes, it's the little things that cheer you up the most. :)

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