Saturday, June 18, 2011


OH MY LORD!!!!!!!!!! my last post I talked about how I thought I completely screwed my chances over with this guy because I felt like I may have pushed him away.....NOPE!!!!! XD I'm actually gonna go over to his house tomorrow!!! Oh my I'm so excited and happy!!!!! XD Like, I didn't think it would work out, even though I hoped that it would!! So the fact that it really did work out for me, is like a miracle of some sorts!!! lmfao XD I know I'm totally overreacting right now, but no other guy gives me a second chance anymore. I mean, most guys that I first meet no longer want to speak to me after the fact. So it is somewhat of a big deal to me, even if it is really
I mean, now I'm all nervous and stuff and it's like....I just turned into a girly girl!! lol I usually never fuss over looking my "best" at all times. I'm the kind of girl that likes to wear t-shirts and jeans. But for some reason, I feel the need to like, impress him and dress all cute like! O.o This isn't normal for me, but I guess I'll just go ahead and go along with it and see where it takes me. Sometimes I should just shut up and follow my instincts, right? lol Maybe it's for the best for now. :P Let my "girly" instincts to kick in, right? O.o But of course, there's a VERY fine line between girly and SLUTTY lol I'm sure we all understand that concept. :)
But for now, I must rest up some for the day to come. :)

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