Thursday, May 19, 2011


What do you do to get someone to like you? Impress them? Be yourself? Buy them stuff? I don't get it. I mean, how do you get someone to notice you? Not even just one person in particular, but anyone. And If you do attract someone, how do you know that they aren't after one thing? How do you make sure they're good people? That they won't hurt you and break you down? Won't make you hate yourself more than you already do? How does that work? Is it possible? How is it possible for one person alone to make another being feel so bad?? Why are people so ignorant? Why are they so blind?we could all have something so wonderful and beautiful in front of us, but instead we see it as ugly, or we let our friends and family change our minds for us and see it as horrible. Especially one person who could make the other so much better. We rely on friends too much. I'm not saying that having friends and relying on their opinions is bad ,but relying on them like a baby pup with their mother is a little rediclious. Opinions can greatly open our eyes, but we dont need them to survive. You know?

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