Monday, November 14, 2011

"Are You Worth My Time????"

Why is it that girls do these stupid Facebook status things? Example: "Like this status and I'll rate you"
...really? We're rating each other? I mean, I understand that this goes on anyway in our minds, but putting it out there to others?? Everyone has an average of, what? 100 friends on Facebook? So we're exposing that person to your judgement to around 100 people on average?! How does that make any sense?? Even if it were personal, why would you want that? I know I don't want to know what other's rate me...I already have too many image issues, and a stupid number from spiteful people will only make that worse. Make me hate myself more. Why would anyone want to be rated with a stupid number?? Why should it matter?? Okay, so some girls just want to know what their crush thinks of them. okay...seems harmless. but then what if they give you a low number? How's that going to make you feel? Like shit, right? Well, you asked for it, but yet you're still going to mentally blame them for giving you that number and making you feel bad. You did it to yourself! What were you expecting? lol seriously!
*sigh* Okay...and all these other stupid status things...what's another one? Let me go to the "all knowing" facebook and see...
Okay, okay, time out. what is the significance of Marrying someone on Facebook?? does it make you feel important?? I mean...seriously! Why does it fucking matter?? Are you trying to make an ex- jealous?? Or make your crush want you more?? NEWS FLASH!! It doesn't work!! Move on...
Hmm...what else...?
Holy sweet Jesus...."Are you worth my time?"
What the fuck is wrong with you guys?! I mean....does belittling people make you feel fucking powerful or something?! I know a good handful of "friends" would out-right say no. And I pray that they're not trying to bait me with that, cause I don't fucking care. You ditched me on my birthday, go fuck yourselves. Anywho.
Grow up.
Yeah, my language may not sound grown up, but take a step back and think...Is knowing any of this petty stuff going to make you feel better? No. They can lie. Tell the truth. But it doesn't mean it'll make you feel better about your friendship. If someone told me that I'm not worth their time. Psh! *delete* I ain't even mad. But how would you react? You'd keep them on there. Stalk their status' wondering if it's about you. Stop! It doesn't matter anymore! Besides, if your wondering this without any specific reason, why are you friends with them at all? Friends are supposed to be there for you through thick and thin no matter what. Always supposed to support you, even if you sound stupid half the time. But if you sit there, staring at the computer and wonder if your worth their time or what their rating of you is...Seriously get a life.
No one deserves to live like that. So you only have 2 close friends? So what? doesn't matter how many friends you have, it's the quality of the friendship and how close you are. THAT, my dear readers, is what a real friend is.
Now go ahead, log off, sign out, close everything and sign out. There's fresh air outside. Enjoy it. :)

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