Saturday, March 26, 2011

Don't lose hope.

So...I went to pick up my ex today cause he needed a ride. When sitting in my car, he came out. This was my reaction: O.O I really couldn't believe I dated him! Sounds mean, I know. But I'm actually happy I seen him because it assured me that I'm truly over him. I mean, you see those facebook like pages saying "I dated that" and "was I drunk our whole relationship" and I actually felt like that for a moment. XD but seriously. It did reassure me that I'm over him, and it makes me happy, a little. :) Just remember girls and boys, there's always hope!! It just takes a little time to realize that it'll come. Don't lose hope. When you do, everything starts to fall apart in your eyes. I was like that for a little and I really did want to just quit. Not die!! Just get away from everything. Run away. Pause life so it all goes away for a while. But now, I don't want it to stop. It's wonderful and I enjoy being happy again. I'm not worried about finding "The One" or any of that stuff. I feel pretty without anyone's help. I'm into Yoga again. I'm dancing in my room to no music. Driving around happy!! Not worrying about the little shit. Sounds like a dream, I know, and sometimes it feels like it, but it's still here no matter how many times I pinch myself!! :3 just believe in yourself. I know it's hard, but it just takes some time. Time doesn't fix everything, but it can heal a little bit. I promise! It'll all be better after a while. I have faith in all of you. Just remember....The dog days are over. :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Am I sexy enough for you?"

I miss feeling sexy for someone. You know that feeling. Like, you have someone that's special to you, and they may say "oh you look so sexy in that" or "you look really beautiful today" and it just makes you have a very fuzzy feeling inside and you feel so happy! I just miss that feeling, I guess. I mean, I don't absolutely need that feeling, but it's nice to feel special now and then, you know? Just feeling like someone really cares about you and loves you no matter how you look. Even when you're wearing sweats and a hoodie, they make you feel good. I don't know if that's just me or not, but it's just a thought.